When the pandemic was first declared and the world shut down, I thought it was a temporary adjustment and in a short time, everything would go back to “normal” and I could do business as usual.
Earlier this year, I was ready to go back to doing in-person classes and go on the road. It seemed as I was ready to hit the road, things slowed down again. Even if restrictions were lifted and places reopened, the truth is the world is different. I’m different. There is a new “normal” and it’s a good thing.
In the past, I taught in-person classes at home and in conference rooms. I conducted meetings in coffee shops. I’d fly to different cities around the world, sharing the same information city to city. These presentations could easily be done online, but instead I’d spend thousands of dollars, flying to a place and rent out a conference room. Even thinking about it seems absurd in the information age, but I convinced myself that it was the most effective way to do business. I done business like that for years. I didn’t question it (maybe because I enjoyed traveling, seeing new places and meeting new people in person).

When travel was restricted in 2020, I was itching to go back on the road. If things opened up in 2021, I probably would. Countries went back on lockdown. It was then, I finally realized that I have to plan on doing more business online regardless of current events. If my business depended on travel and venues, then it would be held hostage every time there is a lockdown. I have no control over the laws and restrictions government enforce on travel or venues. Even if places were to open up again, building online is the better option longterm.
By giving myself permission to do business at home and online, it freed me. It excited me.
I no longer had to rent out conference rooms. I no longer would have to fly 5 or 10 hours on a plane. I no longer had to live out of a suitcase. I no longer would have to spend thousands of dollars. I can run an international business from my computer. I can teach others to do the same.
If I choose to travel, I travel because I choose to not because I have to.
The best part is I no longer have to wait for the government to lift restrictions. My business is not held hostage. Instead of waiting for places to open, I run my business online.
Building a business online is new for me. I’ve done webinars and zoom meetings for years, but up until now I didn’t embrace an online business 100%. It’s something that took some time to adjust.

The last two years has given me time and permission to change how I do business.
Regardless if restrictions are lifted in 2022, I am committed to focusing most of my efforts online moving forward.
What about you? Do prefer working online at home or remotely or do you prefer meeting in person or a combination of both?